Two Easy Ways to Build Trust With Clients via Instagram Imagery


Hello Beauties! 

You know in the depths of your heart that your offerings are completely invaluable. Especially, when you are sharing your authentic expression on such a deep level, but if you are not building an image that your audience can trust, aka, that is aligned with your authentic self, something won’t sit quite right with your audience… and probably won’t sit quite right with you either.

When I first moved to Central Oregon and decided to offer my photography services, the networking events and personal outreach brought beautiful relationships into my life, but I didn’t understand why my photography business wasn’t catching fire. It could have been a myriad of reasons, in the details of business, but looking back now I am in complete belief that I felt stuck because my offerings weren’t even catching fire in my own heart. My offerings at that time were not authentic to me, instead they were what I thought the market around me was desiring and what seemed an easy reach. I offered sessions in the world of family, maternity, owners and their dogs… all of the cliche packages that I thought Bend, Oregon would be super stoked about. Even though I occasionally photograph these subjects and have a blast in the process, I find that my current offerings, though they seemed so out of reach at first, being geared towards creating media and web content for artisans and healers totally lights me up. When I am feeling lit, those around me do too because internal passion is undeniably contagious! Internal, fiery passion is why people like Tony Robbins have a job, and just alike, this is the reason why you are on this path as an artisan or a healer. It lights you up! The receptivity from the world around me, now, that I am in alignment with my core message is outstanding compared to when I was only creating offerings to please the people.

All people are intuitive, even if they don’t consider themselves to be and gut feelings go a long ways, so tune into your business, your heart, your soul, and your fiery passions. Get lit and glow, baby! When you are in alignment with your offerings, it is like all the right keys line up and the doors begin to open for you so you can breathe fresh air again. With the growing importance of media and web presence, you want to be sure that your offering is not only in alignment with your truth, but also presented in a way that is truthful to the essence of your message -- truth builds trust. So, if you find yourself posting iphone selfies to show off your product, most likely it is not speaking to the soul essence of your product. If you are having a block in your mental state with presenting a clean product, shake it down to the root truth -- your product is a creation gifted from your heart and your hands to the wild world out there and it is truly something to be proud of. I cannot emphasize enough how important your creations are and how proud you should be of what you have created. By taking pride in your brand and your offerings with imagery that bonds an audience to a clear experience of your essential message, you immediately form trust. 

This topic also brings to mind, the very cliche, but the very true, romantic relationship advice stating that one cannot take care of another, unless he or she is taking care of themselves first. You want to show your audience that this product has an abundant life of its own, that because it is thriving, they will too thrive. Low quality photos send a message of lack. Yes, being a business owner can be draining, but if the message of depletion is a constant factor, the audience will also deplete in faith for the quality of this product. One may argue that posting washed out selfies is “the real deal,” but what people truly want is clarity about the essence of your message. Of course, there are always exceptions and one’s core message may include words such as, “nostalgia” or “antique” or “vintage” or “I-don’t-really-care-about-technology,” but the truth of the matter is that these keywords can be displayed with a clear message and a clear image that does not include filtered selfies. So, with that, here are two easy ways to build more trust with your audience aka your current and future clients:

  1. Stop using preset instagram filters. Please. If you are still digging the iphone photo style of posting imagery in the moment, but want to spruce up your images, download an app like Snapseed. 

  1. Allow your audience to catch a clear feel on the essence of the product or the offering by revisiting your mission statement or writing down three keywords that you want to translate. Then, everytime you post a photo, ask yourself if it represents at least one of those words or evokes a feeling that is related to your mission statement. 

Added bonus tip: hire a professional photographer ;) 

Remember, truth builds trust. Get in alignment with your truth and let’s make magick! If you are feeling called to work with me to build your brand content library … click here ... to schedule a call with me, I am so looking forward to co-creating with you. 

Much Love + Bliss,


Jayde Silbernagel Creations LLC

Jayde Silbernagel is a holistic photographer, castor oil infusion witch, and poetic philosopher! Created upon this earth, inspired by the ethers!

Translating Your Message Through Videography
