The Frequency of Now


Sitting in clear water, simply growing new roots, creating light prisms when the sun shines in as it does.

The Frequency of Now.

Tapping into the frequency of the now has been somewhat unsettling, yet so infinitely divine. Stating that sentence takes me back to this time when I found myself whiplashed in a car across a small highway in Denver, Colorado. The airbags went off and I had to completely release control. It was a conscious decision to release with my mind, yet I was forced to release physically due to the suddenly inflated airbags. In those moments, I knew that there was a heavy chance that I was not going to make it out of that experience alive and somehow I felt entirely ok with that because I had surrendered to trust. I don’t know if you believe in angels, but I do and I could feel their presence “gently” guiding my car out of any other potential harm that could have hit. 

In the end, my car was completely totaled and somehow I was released from the experience with only one day of shaky nerves and whiplash. The whiplash led me to seek craniosacral therapy care from a therapist in Boulder, Colorado who I am now great friends with and I will link her site below. In the aftershock of this experience, I was able to cultivate a new faith in myself and the universal forces. I was already quite tapped in, but this was another level -- a wake up call, an upgrade, even a call to uplevel my life in ways that I gained medicine from in the moment and am also just now discovering more experiential medicine from the event, several years later. 

What we are going through as a collective right now, feels like this in many ways. Every translation is so different. Maybe for some, my car accident experience is a totally extreme correlation and maybe for others this comes nowhere near the trauma that they are facing right now. Collectively, Individualized. For me, this is the most relevant example when I tap into the collective on the physical plane and feels like a shock wave of sorts. 

I would like to invite you to just take a moment to be gentle with yourself. 

After the accident, within my craniosacral therapy sessions, my body was ready to also release old patterns that had been stored, including birth trauma. When I was born, the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck and I came out blue. Although this may not sound like something to put too much emphasis on, my body translated that time as trauma and stored it unconsciously. So, in my own personal experience, to be encouraged to let go of birth trauma, ironically, I had to be faced with another trauma, being the car accident.

When we grant ourselves the opportunity to let go of trauma in quantum ways, we allow space for healthy creation within ourselves. We encourage healthy cells to grow and we find a new sense of clarity. With this planetary event, we are given the divine opportunity to shake up and shake out any stagnant traumas that we have been harboring. I see this as an invitation from our Mother Earth, so we can grow healthy humans, healthy businesses, healthier selves, and a healthier planetary connection with all of newfound space to come. This space may not feel relevant until years later or it may be totally relevant right now, like you can finally breathe. Whatever the case is for you, know that you are held and supported and you are being called to be your most resonant self in both your life and your business. 

A time to hermit is also a time of the deepest connection. 

So, while you are in hermit mode and have insights to share with the collective or a product to promote that is going to lift the frequency of the planet to new heights or give physical support, I am now taking requests for my stock imagery collection! 

See the current stock imagery collection by clicking on the bar below. I am also still very open to co-creating brand sessions that don’t involve groups, as I respect everyone’s personal journey to self reflect or social distance themselves to whatever capacity feels in resonance with them. 

For more information, please reach out via email and I truly look forward to supporting you, your business, and your sacred offerings. 



Jayde Silbernagel Creations LLC

Jayde Silbernagel is a holistic photographer, castor oil infusion witch, and poetic philosopher! Created upon this earth, inspired by the ethers!

Navigating the changing state of consumerism through the subtleties of your business.


Autonomy + Your Offering