Denver Airport Awakenings

The contraction that squeezes the juice before the effervescent expansion can be tasted + the ever expanding expansiveness that produces the creative contraction; Denver airport awakenings and always remembering again and again in the process of integration.

No one to please and nowhere to need to be for an hour at least. Lest, I find myself racing rapidly through the terminal to my designated gate in the Denver airport. Fuzzy boots and alpaca beanie secured to assist my fairing of the North Dakota winds upon a late November arrival. Prepared to be warm in the biting cold, as prepared as a single carry on suitcase can get that is. A scant of sweat breaks my brow and an ache in my body from overexerting the earlier part of my day during my sacred moon time.

Deep breaths.

Don’t get me wrong, I dig a good hike with some weight on my back, though in the midst of all occurring bodily events, it finally struck mind that I am racing on a steadily moving magic carpet ~ The flat escalators that are in the big airports on the long stretches. I think you know the ones… and with an hour of time to spare. Now, usually I just runway walk down them, feeling like I’m flying with the breeze buying my hair, but today the magic carpet became something else to me; an opportunity of rest and reprieve.

All necessary being to choose to stop moving my feet.

An opportunity to stand in patience, once again remembering that my flight is not to board for another hour and there is no one external to please or meet or be. It’s just me, my bags, my boots, and my body.

In this moment of sweet surrender to the moment that is ever fleeting and ever beating, simultaneously. An opportunity to simply watch the people going to Chicago, to Colorado Springs, to Austin, to anywhere terminal B is pinging. Passing by vicariously in the slowness of time. Bringing awareness to those who rush by.

Choosing to park my feet, to let go of anxious tendencies.

All it is, was and will ever be is a choice, to savor the moment.

Why make it more complicated than it is?

Perhaps fear of not retrieving or receiving or even a fear of plain ol’ receding.

Though, in the reprogramming of my nervous system habits, I know (cognitively) that my energy will be of gain and my strength will not be lost by taking a momentary pause. Integrating the cognitive knowledge, in the body, results in subconscious habitual shifts… nervous system shifts from overdrive to feelin’ alive… which could be literally life changing for myself and the world around me via the butterfly effect.

Choosing to rest is just as important as swinging the bag around, mounting the pack, and stretching legs by leg down the tiled aisles of the port between the magic carpet because if I simply remained parked, I would be stuck at the end of the aisle in a loop. It’s a dance of breathing in to breathe out.

Taking a break outside of sleep, outside of TV, outside of social media … Ooftah, yes please!

Which leads me to a little insight I’ve been playing with the past couple of months. Going on three now, where one week of each month, I take time to be off of social media. Maybe I’ll pop in to answer a few messages, but totally relinquishing the need to post anything. By the time I return, I am totally inspired and chomping at the bit to share more magick.

I refuse to allow the algorithm to control me and my ways, though I am playing the game with boundaries that work for me and are intuitively planned versus ridged and/or impulse based. Perhaps, I have less followers or less followers see me, but my sustainable well being is more important than really, truly anything. Plus, I believe with sustainable well-being the sustainable humanity will innately find my creations and offerings… like each of you!

Everyone finds their own balance with this realm of media and is finding as things shift and mold. I encourage sovereignty, always. Yet, if needbe, I gift each and everyone external “permission” to release for the sake of internal agency.

Blessed Be + Thank you for sharing in this journey with me!

