So many wildflowers surrounding our bodies and a destination that is seemingly out of sight. Bend after bend upon this slight incline and a ration of sweet time, I realize that we are standing in the midst of the quaint and colorful meadows that happen to be our goal destination. No wooden, engraved signs to tell us that we have arrived. We just know we are where we are supposed to be, though in the tracks of continuing paths that lead to tops of mountains and neighboring passes. This day’s hike was to be savored in the soaking steps. I realize my addiction to the top of the peak or the sight of the lake, while also realizing my growing appreciation for the journey. Lush greens and lilac colored bells endowed with brilliant indian paintbrushes and lupine presents a balance between the drive to continue and the notion to soak. Even getting unexpectedly penetrated by nettle was a curious endeavor. Dancing our young minds through the aspen influenced pallets. We were there, the entire time, in the soaking while also in the drive. May peace be with your spirit while you enjoy this lushes ride.

Jayde Silbernagel Creations LLC

Jayde Silbernagel is a holistic photographer, castor oil infusion witch, and poetic philosopher! Created upon this earth, inspired by the ethers!

Confident Wings


Chasing Freedom