The Guru


Hey Moon Shines,

The new moon is upon us and has us melting deeply, once again.

Allowing us to harness the fullness of our essential beingness. 

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a true “guru” — the kind they portray in the movies — someone to look up to for everything? I definitely have. Coming from the conditioning that one must first be certified or obtain some sort of a degree to move forward in life, I have often thought that if someone shows me the way, then I will know the way and that if I did not receive a green light from someone external, then my path wasn’t legit. With this belief came waves of disappointment in others and a humbling within myself, which has brought me to recognize that everyone is just as human as I am! What?! Yes! That’s the beauty of it all! If we are all just as human as the next, then we are all also just as divine and capable as the next.

I proudly received my BA degree in Photography when I went to Art School in Denver and I will always choose to keep those memories and those lessons to cherish. Although, I realize that I did not need a degree to be legit (no matter what the system told me) to become a true creatrix. Beyond the bachelors degree, after 17 or so years of consecutive schooling, I was finally out in the vast ocean of the world, yet it was like I was waiting for some external human being to tell me that it was ok to take a risk and jump into my own creative endeavors full fledged.

When Tony Robbins titled his Netflix film, “I Am Not Your Guru,” my subconscious self wasn’t totally on board… until now! Thank the goddesses that I have leaped and have began to truly emerge with this divine creature that is within me. The creature that leads with purpose and passion.

There is absolutely no doubt that we learn from this person or that person about how to navigate the nuances of life or business or even subtle nuances regarding our planetary purposes, yet it is incredibly pertinent that we know that we are all human and we are all in this individualized human experience together. For many of you, this may come as common knowledge. For me, on the other hand, realizing that I am my own guru may have been my biggest personal revelation within this past year.

I believe that a few others have also been impressed with a similar conditioning model, so I have shared some prompts and a short mindfulness experience via the audio bar below to begin melting away the walls of disillusion. I am sharing this in hopes that it will bring us one step closer to living fuller as a human race, as creators, and as business owners.

The breaking down of these conditioned thoughts has led up to this moment of knowing that my purpose is to co-create with healers and artisans through imagery. This may not be my dharma everyday for the rest of my life, but the amount of time invested or what it will be isn’t what makes it important. What graces my occupation with importance is that it is in alignment with the present moment of my presented empowerment. Co-creating as a photographer, beyond all else, feels damn good! It feels good to be in alignment through encouraging alignment on the planetary scale. It feels amazing to co-create with beautiful beings and business owners, such as yourself!

My beautiful gods and goddesses, alignment is the reason you and I are here, communing together through these blog post words. You know your worth and you became your own guru.

Utilize these prompts as passing thoughts or as an opportunity to sink in and journal, above is an audio version: 

  • What is your truest self desiring to offer the planet at this moment? 

  • What nuances are necessary to learn from another for this to come to fruition?

  • What are you depriving or denying yourself from that would otherwise nourish you?

  • What messages do you receive in the silence?

  • What is your being craving or longing to become? 

    Imagine yourself merging with this being that you are innately becoming.

  • Muster the infinite love that is inside of you towards your core.

  • Hold the frequency of love and gratitude in your heart space, as all arises. Allow it all to arise with ease and compassion. Take deep, cleansing breaths while you emanate blue, luminescent light throughout the cells of your being. Give a gesture of gratitude towards yourself. Then, open your gaze as you cast away that which is no longer part of you into the stars for alchemical recycling, to emerge more connected and in alignment with your true essential self. 

Wishing you Clarity and Curiosity!



Jayde Silbernagel Creations LLC

Jayde Silbernagel is a holistic photographer, castor oil infusion witch, and poetic philosopher! Created upon this earth, inspired by the ethers!

Let Love Be Your Rebellion!


Mini Session with Eight Fold Path Online Yoga School