Let Love Be Your Rebellion!
Aloha Loves,
I am curious to know, how have your conversations been lately?
The world has been changing so rapidly that every time I sit down to write a blog post or produce a new post on instagram, I get a little overwhelmed in translating my thoughts into words, while also feeling like simply talking business and offerings wasn’t going to feel resonant either. Noticing my inner need to process and grasp the feels, has led me to an observer role throughout the current planetary movements and taking action where I can in my very acute personal life. Honing in for a moment, allowed space to open a totally honest conversational platform with friends and family. Although, this all feels like a lot and we are being stretched on the feeling spectrum, I am in good faith that many human creatures are fulfilling a piece of his or her destiny in one way or another. During this maya of destruction is also such a potent opportunity for rebirth and restructuring, which is the dichotomy that I would like to discuss today in this blog post - distractions, supremacy, division, fragmentation, focus, privilege, knowledge, understanding, unity, depth, compassion, ancient wisdom, and so on as implied.
As a business owner, you may be concerned about the way you present yourself on social platforms and/or in the eye of the public these days. So many of us are standing up for the same cause, as light workers, we are holding the frequency of unconditional love, while finding our solid stance in a poised peaceful warrior. Yet, it can be so easy to get caught up in the nuances, so much so that we become distracted from the present moment. It may be my paranoia about the government that has led me to finally speaking out or not speaking out for nearly a month now, but it seems to me that a sure divide and conquer plan has been set and administered.. And it looks like it is working. Oh, snap. That is the first zoom-out from acute reality and what is being experienced. The second zoom-out is seeing this all as absolutely divine.
So, what do we do? We recenter.
If you have ever given birth or witnessed a birth, you will most likely be able to relate to the following metaphor -- I feel like so many are shrieking and screaming at one another in tones that pierce the air, but make no physical progress. Versus moaning, grunting, and focusing on the pain in grounded, low tones. Try it right now to see the difference, to understand the metaphor on a deeper level. If we continue to scream at one another instead of grounding into ourselves before speaking out, then we will only tread water and spin out. Leaving many wounded and exhausted when it doesn’t need to be that way. To make true reformation happen in a system that has set up the illusion that we are in a rat maze, we must ground down, recenter, and focus.
I saw this chart of emotions a few weeks ago that correlated outward expressions to emotions or to the way we are actually feeling. The anger one stuck with me, as I thought back to times in my life when I was the most angry and in times in my baby nephew’s life when he has been most angry. Anger correlates to feeling out of your own control.
Expression = Emotion
Anger = Powerless
When I feel anger around what is happening in the world, I go back to this concept and find myself immediately grounded back into the present moment where the possibility is infinite and the impact is exponential. When I sink back into myself, I feel strong again and in my power because I know change is possible and I know these are fluid times and that this structure is merely a facade that was created at one point in time. Made for humans, by humans. Soak that in for a moment.
Made for humans, by humans.
Have you noticed that we have become fragmented more than ever? Let’s zoom out and open our perception to the divinity that is at play within these potent times and as a business owner, as a lightworker, as an artist, it may feel as though you are expected to speak out. Yet, speaking out only seems to cause unwanted tension or less followers. I have heard this feedback from several friends and clients with large followings lately. There is a fragmentation that appears to be in our reality right now more than ever. This tension, this fragmentation, this irritation allows us to expose the roots of our shadows. It allows us to take a wider perspective and an embodiment into our true, personal and collective, resonant beings.
The fact that we are fragmented shows our absolutely unique ability to be individually authentic. The lesson to be learned within the fragmentation is to appreciate and to love one another and ourselves for exactly where we are seeing from in the moment. Momentary perspective is all that we are truly in control of and that is what truly matters. For all to be heard and listened to in the language of grounded moans of concern. From these grounded songs, we are easily able to sing with the soul that is unique to each one of us and to the collective versus swimming against the current and allowing traction to slip.
To condemn and to condone are both ways to cause unhealthy division.
Let’s talk about “white privilege” and how this concept is actually holding us all back from our fullest selves and potentials. Allowing the gap to grow even greater. Through the low frequencies of guilt and shame, we (collectively) are in turn being held down versus held accountable. It is a double edged sword because, yes, awareness is key and beyond the initial awareness is an even deeper awareness, a deeper understanding, a picture that ignites the realization that we are all on the same playing field. That we are residing upon the same mama earth, together. Individuality is what brings us together and what creates the highest of vibrations where fluidity is the structure.
Keep your vision clear, my loves, we are riding waves into new days.
Somewhere in the mix of posts on social media, I saw this sign, held by a peaceful protestor, that said “All Cops Should Do Ayahuasca” and I thought.. Hell yea, that’s a thought… What if those in the justice system and/or leadership positions were mandated to face their shadows before being accepted into such positions?
When one is able to safely process his or her own shadow aspects, it liberates them and those around them in a very sovereign way and empathy grows and is more easily cultivated. When the heart is full of love, it is able to spill out and be shared with all those who come into contact with it. When a heart is full of hurt, it is an opposite reaction, yet similar cascading pattern. This is when the polarity allows for clarity, when we see that the opposites are exactly the same and that, simply, we always have a choice as to which wolf, inside ourselves, we choose to feed.
Right now, it is like we are vomiting hurt and pain all over one another. Showing where the world is absent in love. Where “passion” fills to the brim so much that hate and anger take hold and lead to rash and hurtful decisions. Hurt will only cause more hurt. So, here we are facing the ugly truth of our lineage pain. Each and every one of us, both consciously and subconsciously.
Where does it begin?
Where does it end?
We must see through this illusion for the sake of our own wellbeing.
We must ask these difficult questions and take them into our own, individual hearts.
We must have a conversation with both uncertainty and possibility, realizing they are one in the same. Polarity creates clarity.
Thank you for taking the time to read this string of thoughts around the current state of our planet. It finally came together! When there are so many distractions, as business owners it is our dharma to stay focused on what resonates. To stay in alignment with self truth. This is how transformation begins and how fluidity flourishes. So much love to each and every one of you! You are absolutely magical and powerful just as you are, allow this message to course through your veins as you step into the day. Allow inner joy and a curiosity for deeper understanding be your rebellion.