I have been pondering the subject of obligation and the fact that even just the mere thought of needing to do something often times exhausts me. When I began working at the farm an added feeling of obligation was put into place. Now, this is no obligation that I can complain about. Our shares of veggies were just too large for me to even begin knowing how to combat! I tried giving it away as that would be logical answer, but what do you with all of the bok choy ends and strawberry stems that you have worked so hard to harvest. Well, my friends, the answer is a small compost pile. Giving the food back to the earth fills me with so much relief. Since I am renting, I do not know how long I will be living in this beautiful summer home of mine and if I will be able to use the end product for soil enhancement. Though, if anything else I am simply returning the nutrients to the earth and thanking her for all that she has provided. Peruvian tradition holds strong to the practice of offering a portion of their ingestible creations before each sitting. Pre and post offerings of gratitude through receiving and letting go. Obligations have turned to goals and goals will turn into spreadable nutrients.